10 July 2013

Goofball Pop-Punk from The Blendours

Once upon a time there was a cool, teen pop-punk band in Iowa City, Iowa. They were called Everybody Nose, and they sang fun lyrics, rocked out, and firmly embedded hooky songs in our heads.

We loved them so much that when two of the Oddio Overplay team were married, several songs in their wedding mix were sweet, upbeat love songs by Everybody Nose. The teen band captured those raw feelings of love so well.

Then Everybody Nose broke up, as young bands usually do, and their songs were pulled from the FMA leaving holes in the wedding mix and sadness among the new fans who had found them there. Good news! We found those songs on Bandcamp!

We learned that Rachel and Luke are in Lipstick Homicide, Molly E is in The ILLS, and Trevor is now in The Blendours and The Surf Zombies (Facebook, Reverb Nation), who play all original "hot rod horror surf" instrumentals

The Blendours have released heaps of acoustic power pop in the vein of Everybody Nose. Listening to those albums leads us to believe Trevor was probably the lead songwriter for Everybody Nose. Jumping around though their Bandcamp albums, you will find many are free, such as Disability Blues [2011] and a fun covers EP, Blendours For Sale (For Free) [2012].

The live show is often plugged in and so is their split LP on Eccentric Pop Records.

Artist Location: Iowa, USA

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