Friends, Family, Contributors, Volunteers, Recruits
Oddio Overplay, Blogio Oddio, and Kazoomzoom are all volunteer, non-profit projects. The Oddio Overplay Family is made up of people who have shared their time, music, art, and skills to make the magic happen. We love you, OO Family!Team Blogio Oddio
- Katya
- Oddio Overplay | Free Music Archive | WFMU | Kazoomzoom | Facebook
- Way back in the 1990s, Katya started the free music directory that today is Oddio Overplay. At WFMU's Free Music Archive, Katya is the Oddio Overplay curator and an FMA admin. She volunteered for MP34U and Comfort Stand Recordings, was an active mix maker at Webjay, a writer for zines and blogs, a DJ for arts and music organizations, and a contributor to projects. Katya releases music under pseudonyms, has performed with jazz and punk bands, organizes and works at music events, served as a DJ, and is an all-around music lover.
- Perri
- Zenguin | Zenguin Penguins | Zenguin Radio Room | Zenguin Gifts
- "With an ear on the web and a hand on the drawing board" What can we say about Perri? She is nothing short of amazing. Perri is one of those people who touches the lives of everyone around her. Her website features a community of musicians who she promotes, and who become like family through her love. Perri is a musician, graphic designer, and web developer who has done it all. She is a gem.
- Mr. Write
- Mr. Write previews albums and helps with websites. He created the Oddbots, those fun robots on the Oddio Overplay site.
- Amy
- Amy used to head up the Oddio Overplay Group.
- Fausto
- Shirley and Spinoza Radio | s&S Radio Archive
- "Shirley and Spinoza is a humble little, lilac scented, diesel powered web radio stream - relaying bouncing, broken mixed up radio waves from your planet." Based in China and UK.
Team Oddio Overplay
- The Apartment
- Gondola Music | Comfort Stand Recordings
- "I make experimental music. Not out jazz or noise, although I love both. My music is more like samples from tons of different sources - mostly thrift store vinyl and great vintage stuff like 60's movie soundtracks but also homemade tapes, crazy bus conversations, instructional records, even the occasional Japanese 8-track found in a box on the street corner. Then I take all those gathered sounds and add electronic beats and melodies. Not like dance stuff, more pop like vintage 60's electronic music yet, a little more up to date. Anyway the end result is my music, sometimes dark and atmospheric, sometimes warm and intimate, other times upbeat, silly and the very definition of kitsch, mostly nostalgic, always surreal!"
- The Bran Flakes
- | Facebook | SoundCloud | YouTube
- "We're going to have a great deal of fun! The Bran Flakes combine sound-collage with live instrumentation resulting in a beat oriented blend of exotica, easy listening, children's music and experimentation, often with a humorous effect. They are sonic scavengers, recycling petroleum-based audio storage media, and carefully scouring records and tapes for aural delights. The Bran Flakes believe that every record has at least ONE redeeming quality. They take these quality gems, maybe a snare drum or a man yelling 'buttermilk,' a bird chirping or a crispy bit of record crackle, and mix them into a very musical type of sound collage, conjuring up happy memories of your first kiss, the experience of getting a new puppy or the childhood excitement of going to the fair and having cotton candy on a cool autumn day. The Bran Flakes live performances transform into a circus, with audience participation, dancing animals and video collage."
- Bumpenstein
- Defective Records | Myspace | Comfort Stand Recordings
- "Bumpenstein is DJ Bump from Baltimore Maryland USA. He chose 'Bumpenstein' because "Lord Baltimore" was taken by a local hip-hop producer and since a friend already calls him that, he thought that like Dr. Frankenstein, he makes new music "creatures" from various parts of existing ones with the power of electricity! ;) ...and is also a big B-Movie fan!"
- Chenard Walcker
- Free Sample Zone | Comfort Stand Recordings | WM Recordings
- "Chenard Walcker is a French samplecore artist layering large slabs of pop music, obscure funk, soundtracks, etc. The site offers many albums worth of material as free downloads, as an anti-copyright stance. He also publishes the Free Sample Zone, which is all his material under several monikers." Chenard created the Oddio EP to celebrate the 2004 re-launch of Oddio Overplay.
- The Coconut Monkeyrocket
- Coconut Monkeyrocket | SoundCloud | Facebook | Bandcamp | MySpace | Amazon
- We love The Coconut Monkeyrocket!
- Dan Herr
- An engineer of dark mystery
- Don Miller
- B - Don enjoys sampling, remixing and playing around with old records he collects. His [former website, Balansamba, featured gems from his collection with a focus on bossa, jazz, '60s pop, ska and rocksteady.
- The DVDs
- "The DVDs is a happy new band from Baltimore, MD. We have a total of 109 years of musical experience, although our lead singer is three years old. We like to make songs that share what happens after you stop being sad about stuff."
- Georgia and August and Mark Greenberg
- Mayfair Workshop Music Services | Comfort Stand Recordings
- Georgia and August are sister and brother, and they live in the windy city of Chicago, IL with their mother and father. We will always be fans of Georgia and August!
- "Mark Greenberg is a composer and music project manager. Mark has created music for M&M’s, Cartoon Network, Target, Volkswagen, Adult Swim, Safeway, Amtrak, Qwest, SC Johnson, 3M, Microsoft Windows Live, the Chicago Cubs, Hewlett-Packard, Meals On Wheels, TicketsNOW, Wagner, Unilever, Ambien, Ace Hardware, ARS Service Express, Kashi, This American Life, and American Greetings. Mark played in the Coctails (Hi-Ball/Carrot Top) and currently plays with Archer Prewitt (Thrill Jockey) and Eleventh Dream Day (Thrill Jockey)."
- Die Intellektronische Biparietal Projekt
- Tom Tipunk Records | | Jamendo
- "Indécence - Incandescence - Indécente mélopée - (Mélomane... sur canopée...) Un chaman soliloque, Sussure : « Orénoque... Amazone... », Murmure à l'oreille d'improbables disciples D'indécentes mélopées... (Il dit : « ... Pharmacopée... »)"
- Jan Turkenburg
- | | In My Spaceship
- Songwriter, composer, performer, music teacher, and one of our favorite people on Planet Earth. Here is a live performance of his song "In My Spaceship"with MANY friends!
- Jonny Perl
- | | Amazon | Myspace | iTunes
- "Jonny Perl is one half of Misty Roses, a transatlantic combo who will release their first album, Komodo Dragons, on Frog Man Jake Records this summer. He is also the founder and host of, a site where enthusiasts recommend their favorite songs."
- Lanark
- | Free Music Archive | Comfort Stand Recordings
- "All of we are fragments, and of a so diverse texture, that each piece plays, on every moment, its own game" ~Michel de Montaigne
"My music behavior is similar. Each piece of sound makes a play on itself. Each has its own personality, which combines in an heterogeneous composition, that working as an unity, may be vastly different of the materials that conform it.... I take my sound materials from the extensive field of the digital produced sounds, sometimes making them directly with digital tools (hard and soft), or taking them from the analog world, and processing them digitally.... I think that too much of the music that we heard today is made with a very little portion of the sound material that we have at hand, and with a very little number of procedures that can arrange them, so, my intention is present a scratch on the surface of what can be an enormous 'other' universe of sound. " Lanark is brilliant. - Lee Rosevere
- Happy Puppy Records | Free Music Archive | WM Recordings | Comfort Stand Recordings | YouTube
- "Canadian artist Lee Rosevere (pron. rose-veer) has been riding on the crest of the free digital music wave for about as long as the web has been able to provide music files. Rosevere is a veteran artist on many netlabels and even operates his own quality and low key free netlabel, Happy Puppy Records and also has a few things on CDbaby. He works in the radio industry by day." One of the most talented people we know.
- M.Ace
- O - "M.Ace has been tormented by music for several decades. It's too late to stop now." M.Ace will always be a rock star.
- Mark Harp (1957-2004)
- | Internet Archive
- "Mark Harp was a Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Earth based musician, guitarist, web geek, theater sound designer, sampler musician, songwriter and composer, nutbar, website and graphic designer, bass guitarist, producer, director, arranger, bon vivant, unemployable dirt eater, Clark Bar enthusiast, ex-IMAX projectionist, actor, retired paperboy, SubGenius Pope, AND The King Of Peru." We miss Mark and his boundless creativity.
- Martinibomb
- Martinibomb
- "From the exotic Northeast sands of Portland, Oregon, two brothers (Eric and Ryan) orchestrate sampled records with acoustic guitar, programmed beats, computerized synthlines, live bass, toy monkeys and anything else they can use." Eric is an enormously gifted illustrator and animator. He made the cyclops Oddio artwork.
- Mr. Antithetical
- This guy is a genius.
- Pastor McPurvis
- | Facebook
- Musician and the Director of Our Lady of Perpetual Obsolescence Vinyl Rescue Mission and Orphanage, a safe haven for forgotten and downtrodden record albums
- Room
- G - Room is David who operated the fabulous Audiobulb Records label.
- Skizz Cyzyk
- | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Myspace
- Baltimore, Maryland's Skizz Cyzyk is a busy man. He plays drums in The Jennifers, Garage Sale, and The Bowlermen (a Dukes Of Stratosphear tribute band). He plays ukulele with The Vita-Men and The Awkward Sounds Of Scott & Skizz (uke/melodica duo). He also performs as a solo artist. When not making music, he makes films and works for film festivals. [When I was in high school and college, Skizz was one of the most influential people for me in music. He is still my hero. -katya]
- Ton Rückert
- WM Recordings | Comfort Stand Recordings | Free Music Archive |
- Ton Rückert is a musician from Venlo, the Netherlands. He was one of the Vreemde Geluiden team on Radio Zwolle in the Netherlands. Ton's musical knowledge seems vast. He is one of those friendly people who makes the world a better place. Check him out starring in Jan Turkenburg's video for "One of Those Days".
- Weirdomusic
- Weirdomusic | WM Digital Services | WM Recordings | Comfort Stand Recordings
- "Weirdomusic is the alter ego of 34 year old Marco Kalnenek from Heerlen, the Netherlands. The name was first used for his 1992 cassette release Someweirdomusic and is now the name of Marco's website and all related musical activities." Marco was an active member of the Comfort Stand staff and also operates the WM Recordings label. He also runs WM Digital Services, supporting artists and labels through digital distribution, promotion, coaching and counseling, and event organization. Marco is another of our heroes.
Team Calling All Fiends
- 8m2stereo
- 8m2stereo : tacet radio stream | | Free Music Archive | Myspace | Clinical Archives
- Keywords: experimental, minimal, ambient, tape music, other
- Brian and Harlan
- Myspace | Comfort Stand Recordings | Vuzh Music |
- "I, Harlan Lyman, am a beatmaker from Miami Beach and Brian Metz is a guitarist from Virginia. After a 15 year silence in collaborating when we were young, we are now again making music by passing guitar and drum files back and forth by email to make 'songs.'"
- Caühaüs
- "Though the name Caühaüs may suggest a ranch-flavored chip off the block of seminal gloom-rockers Bauhaus, this band of goat riders in the sky spent most of their studio time trying to ape The Damned. Frontman 'Goth Brooks' is Ken Lieck ([Not] Daniel Johnston) and filling out the lineup are axeman Larry 'B.' Goode, key-master 'Jugular' Jim Andrews, bassist Norman 'Is That You?' Pedigo, and skin-pounder 'Terrifying' Tim Harold."
- Eric Kilkenny
- Martinibomb
- It is difficult to find words for Eric - illustrator, musician and all-around nice guy. Search for him on the Internet, and you will find all sorts of beautiful illustrations and sounds.
- Grant
- Grantimatter
- "Grant is a family man. He has a CD for sale at CD Baby."
- Jeffrey Letterly
- Free Music Archive | PRX | WM Recordings
- "Jeffrey Letterly is a real-life interdisciplinary artist with an incredibly active inner life. He plays all sorts of standard and non-standard instruments, creates all sorts of live and not live performances, and writes all sorts of standard and non-standard stories. He is the founder of the 11th Hour Orchestra and half of the country-tinged group Urban Inbreed."
- Lenkei
- | Comfort Stand Recordings | Kazoomzoom
- "Bruce Lenkei is a graphic designer who lives in the suburbs of New York City with two dogs, five cats, two kids and one girlfriend."
- Limonadiac
- Headphoner and The Nurse
- Side project for Nurse (Headphoner and the Nurse). Headphoner and The Nurse on radio: Exquisite Corpse, Shirley and Spinoza [archived programs available for download]
- Mark Harvey
- |
- "Mark Harvey has been writing and recording music for over 20 years. He founded Nobody Records in 1987 at age 18 to promote and release his first LP.... He opened Pumpkinland Studios to record various solo and band efforts. In 1999 he released his first Halloween 'HauntScape', Pumpkinland, for use in theme parks, haunted attractions and by home haunters. His work includes commercials, custom haunt tracks, soundscapes and sound effects as well as band and solo efforts. His work has been heard on radio, television and film. His Halloween Radio site features Halloween stories, songs and sounds broadcast 24/7/365."
- Mark Martin
- "Mark Martin creates Runaway Comic, published by Fantagraphics Publishing, and 'Teeny Weeny, The Tiniest Hot Dog in the Universe' published in Nickelodeon Magazine. He does other stuff too."
- Michael Leigh
- Boot Sale Sounds
- "Michael Leigh trained as a painter, but painted himself into a corner in 1980 and decided to try collage instead. Discovered the International Mail Art Network and began his infamous small press activities until he printed himself in a corner and decided to try the internet for size. An avid collector of novelty songs and ephemera."
- Mr. Fab and His Bag of Heads
- Music For Maniacs
- "Mr. Fab makes music out of today's hits, yesterday's forgotten vinyl, analog synths, ethnic percussion, and theremin, as well as occasionaly 'singing.' He records mashups and remixes under the name RIAA, and is the proprietor of Music For Maniacs, the web's longest-running music blog dedicated to strange, unique and outsider recordings."
- Nigel Simmons
- "I'm a young composer who composes various styles of music. It is my passion, but as of now it is just a hobby. I hope you enjoy my contribution, and if you'd like to hear more of my music, feel free to listen at my website. Thanks!"
- [Not] Daniel Johnston
- "Texas-based journalist Ken Lieck first became 'Not Daniel Johnston' in 1986 to poke gentle fun at the world's most 'in' outsider with his How, Hi Are You? cassette. The real Johnston dug it, and the two have been friends ever since. Currently, 'Not' can be seen in the film The Devil and Daniel Johnston and heard on Dan's Lost and Found CD.... Ken also fronts Teenage Hangups (featuring members of the Go-Gos, Fastball, Iggy Pop Band, etc.) on an upcoming tribute to Texas pop legends The Judy's." Ken Liecks is a prolific, witty and sharp writer and reviewer. His articles for the Austin Chronicle are available online.
- Pharmacom
- "Sascha Müller, aka Pharmacom, started his career with DJing and producing in 1990. He was inspired by projects like Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream. Stuff like Sven Väth played in his DJ sets. His musical style reaches from ambient chill out to house and techno music in his own special way.... Müller's way of producing uses old analog equipment, as well as the newest software in digital producing. The greatest thing for him is to create new sound-collages and wicked samples for his tracks. As a DJ, he has played in several European locations and events like Love Parade and Thunderdome. At the moment, he is also playing as a VJ and is involved in multimedia productions with other global video and graphic artists."
- Rain Station
- Rain Station |
- "In the summer of 1992, Hoagie Malone (Jay Moores) began coaxing musicians for his recording project "Equator." These sessions produced 33 tracks. Originally released as Khaki Circus by Equator, Hoagie felt that the recordings between he and Mark Harvey (mopehead) were going particularly well, so when mixing time came, the 33 tracks became two separate releases. Rain Station was born."
- Roymond
- | Song Fight
- "I am a lone artist in Brooklyn who occasionally collaborates with others, but for the most part produce my own flavors late at night, fueled by Java Chip ice cream. I support"
- Splogman (Sven Pjotr Logman)
- Splogman's Log
- On Radio Zwolle [Netherlands] he supervises the classical music shows, and he is the "father" of Vreemde Geluiden (= strange sounds), a weekly show also featuring Marco Kalnenek and Ton Rückert, three of our favorite people.
- Stealing Orchestra
- You Are Not Stealing Records Netlabel | Free Music Archive | Facebook | Myspace
- Stealing Orchestrais a band from Porto, Portugal exploring music through sampling and real instruments since 1997.
- Sublinear
- Myspace
- "Sublinear is John Eno, a self-taught experimental electronic music composer. He has composed the scores of three plays, Masque of the Red Death, Alice In Wonderland, and Amadeus, produced by Wandering Rom Players. He has also worked with the Pittsburgh experimental group Need. He currently lives in Portsmouth, New Hampsire, where he spends much of his time in a dark room, staring at a computer screen."
- The Threshold People
- The Threshold People | This Plague of Dreaming Netlabel | This Plague of Dreaming Blog
- "Once they were human, even as you and I... The Threshold People rise from the innermost depths of the world, playing Horrorbeat to SHOCK even the most hardened listener! THRILL to the savage sound!"
- Urban Inbreed
- Myspace
- "From the cornfields of Illinois and the hills of New York comes Urban Inbreed, singing and playing songs about things that could really happen. Urban Inbreed are Jeffrey Letterly (voices, banjo, guitar, bass, piano) and Lara Philip (voices, autoharp)."
- The Waiters
- Myspace
- Matt Love [aka Bureaucratica] (bass, vocals) and Leonardo Faria (keyboards, vocals) met while working as waiters in Washington, DC. Over time, they discovered that they had a remarkable number of things in common. They were both supporting members in bands where they were supporting talented and charismatic, but stubbornly independent leaders. Their creative lives were charactorized by periods of frenetic creative activity and stetches of inactivity. Over a steaming platter they were serving to a congressional delegation, they decided to form their own band, and use it as a vehicle to display their unique talents. They named themselves the Waiters so that they would never forget why they formed this band.
- x-tokyo-river-god
- Song Fight
- "x-tokyo-river-god is an international musical experiment founded by Niveous, who recruited a ragtag army of songfighters to join his cause in making noise."
- Zach Lihatsh
- Zach Lihatsh is a sculptor, specializing in welded metal works. The Calling All Fiends cover Katya made features one of his demon creations.

Also on this team: The DVDs, Katya Oddio, Lee Rosevere, Perri of Zenguin, Shirley and Spinoza, Ton Rückert, and Weirdomusic
Team Kazoomzoom
Some of the Kazoomzoom volunteers and recruits include: