Op3n.net is a mixtape netlabel exclusively using music published under Creative Commons or similar licenses.
Here are two Op3n mixes for streaming or downloading by netlabel operators we love.
Mix by Otis Fodder, creator of Comfort Stand

Comfort Stand is considered one of the basic chapters in the undefined history of the blurry netaudio phenomena. This netlabel from Montreal is RIP since 2006, time enough for Otis Fodder, the big name after it, to pick his favourite 120 minutes from its huge catalogue and blend them together in another exclusive mixtape for op3n.net. "Comfort Stand was an active Net Label from 2003-2006 featuring artists from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States. The label's 80 albums, 16 singles, and 8 compilations remain online, with MP3s hosted by The Internet Archive."
Mix by Marco Kalnenek, creator of WM Recordings

"Squeezing almost four years of
WM Recordings history into a 45 minute mix is not an easy thing to do, but hopefully this mix gives at least an impression of the broad range of releases: from weird pop tunes to electronic soundscapes, and from free improvisation to electropop. So basically, this is a rather eclectic compilation. Entertainment for the whole family!"
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