Be sure to get on over there, and be a part of the wrap up celebration! Your host Jan invites you to be part of the epilogue party.
from 52 Weeks:
Surprise surprise! This extra episode of 52 weeks will be full of surprises. Even I don't know how it's going to end up. You see, that depends on several things.
First of all, I hereby offer an opportunity to all guest curators who collapsed under time-pressure lately: send in your mp3s anyway and I'll post them on this page. I'll update each day for seven days. Also additional tracks from the other curators are welcome. Please submit your updates, next week on Christmas-eve it will be too late.
Secondly: I want to know what your favourite 52 weeks track is! Let me know and I'll post the file anew here.
Thirdly: We'll start this last page with a tremendous album by Chenard Walcker who used samples from all 52 weeks and from other strictly Dutch music. Anyone who wants to add there own remix or 52 weeks related work to this page: you've got only one week left!
Fourthly: splogman's surprise
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